Ryzyliant MapBuilder™

Ryzyliant MapBuilder™ is designed to make post data-gathering updates a breeze. With intuitive features allowing the user to move points and edit the address database, MapBuilder gives you peace of mind — no matter what changes occur, that your addressing database is always up-to-date and accurate.

Always Know Where You Are

Almost anytime data is collected, updates need to be made. With MapBuilder, there’s no need to worry about outdated or unreliable data. Revisions to existing data are just as easy as they are in the field, and can be appended to the master database instantly.

Benefits at a Glance
  • Instant Updates
  • Quality Control
  • Easy Data Transfer
Ryzyliant will provide modern public safety solutions. By way of its acquisition of ez911, Inc., it is developing a cloud experience for smaller, more rural agencies and will be called Ryzyliant.