Our platform provides the Decisive EDGE in emergency response

Ryzyliant’s EDGE™ platform goes beyond a traditional PSAP solution. It seamlessly integrates NG9-1-1 Call Taking, Mapping, Computer Aided Dispatch, Radio Control, and Mobile Data into a single system. 

Built on a foundation of advanced microservices, containerized development, and secure data storage, the EDGE platform ensures scalability and reliability. 

It also provides headset and audio integration units and enterprise-level functionality, ensuring a user-friendly and adaptable experience for your PSAP.


In addition to traditional stand-alone PSAPs, Ryzyliant’s EDGE platform architecture introduces a novel approach to implementing a distributed workflow across previously unconnected PSAPs. 

This could involve ten PSAPs within one county merging into a single call center or PSAPs from ten different counties consolidating onto a unified platform solution with distributed workflow connected by high-speed broadband networks. The end result is the elimination of nine closets filled with redundant equipment.

These new distributed solutions and workflow configurations are dramatically different from any seen in the past.

The hybrid cloud-based EDGE solution dramatically reduces hardware needs by 80% compared to traditional systems, minimizing back-office infrastructure.

The hybrid cloud platform also leverages edge computing for local survivability, ensuring seamless operation even in challenging situations.

Ryzyliant’s browser-based user interface eliminates complex firmware and driver issues for operators and seamlessly integrates with existing third-party mapping or CAD systems using standard interfaces. This means you can leverage your current CAD or mapping system while gaining NG9-1-1 call handling capabilities and easily define an upgrade path to migrate from multiple platforms to our single platform over time without additional hardware costs.

Consolidate and simplify operations

More can be achieved with less hardware, and single applications can be used across a wide area, providing a flexible and scalable solution. All key stakeholders can be connected to a new emergency dispatch ecosystem, empowering them with real-time information and communication. 

Functional convergence is more significant in a technologically consolidated and simplified NG9-1-1 world, making software and infrastructure support, implementation, maintenance, and upgrades significantly more efficient. 

Adding new functions, users, and devices, as well as new organizational structures and workflow changes, is much easier and cost-effective. Situational decision support and audio recording data are available when and where needed and can be shared across regions and agencies to improve productivity further, enabling better-informed decisions and collaboration.

Legacy Products

From call to incident resolution. Ryzyliant is there.​