Ryzyliant EDGE CAD™ is a powerful and user-friendly Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) solution designed for police, fire, and EMS agencies.

Streamlined Dispatch for Public Safety Agencies

 This innovative system goes beyond basic dispatch by integrating seamlessly with Ryzyliant EDGE Mapping™ and optionally, with EDGE 9-1-1 for a unified workflow and user experience. This combined solution delivers enhanced geospatial data and advanced situational awareness, leading to significantly improved location accuracy and faster response times. With EDGE CAD and its integrated products, communications professionals can manage multiple critical tasks simultaneously through a single, high-performance system.

Effortless Communication & Collaboration

Ryzyliant EDGE CAD entrusts you to streamline communication across your entire agency. EDGE CAD provides intelligent notifications of all types to provide critical information via email and or text as needed. The system automatically routes or generates messages based on your selections, allowing for quick and efficient communication, even when sending to multiple recipients or departments.

Revolutionize Your Dispatch with EDGE Hybrid Cloud

The EDGE hybrid cloud platform delivers a cost-effective and user-friendly solution. Eliminate the complexities and costs associated with integrating and maintaining legacy systems. Ryzyliant EDGE CAD revolutionizes your dispatch workflow, enhancing efficiency and overall agency operations as well as supporting NENA’s Emergency Incident Data Object (EIDO) standard.
EDGE CAD™ streamlines dispatch with user-friendly features, seamless integration, and a cost-effective hybrid cloud platform.

Ryzyliant EDGE CAD™ Features


From call to incident resolution. Ryzyliant is there.​